- Departments
Visitor Management System

What - All visitors and volunteers must check-in and out at the front office
Where - All PGUSD School sites
When - Starting September 9, 2024 during regular school hours
Why - Student and staff safety!
Frequently Asked questions
Frequently Asked questions

State issued ID is not required but it makes registration easier.
PGUSD Community
Q: Will staff be required to check in/out with the system
A: No, but they will continue to be required to wear their staff badge.
Q: Will this system replace the paper checkin systems and apple stickers?
A: Yes
Q: I wish to opt-out of using the PGUSD Visitor Management System
A: If an individual chooses to opt-out of the use of VMS, the individual would need to follow these steps for EACH VISIT to any PGUSD school site during school hours.
- Upon arrival, notify the Site Secretary or other designated staff your intent to opt-out registering for the VMS, and provide the reason for your visit.
- Provide the staff a picture ID so they can check to verify if you have been fingerprinted by Human Resources (HR) via our internal repository of information.
- If you are a fingerprinted (on file with HR) volunteer/visitor, you will receive a badge allowing on site staff to know that you have checked in, and are cleared to be on campus during school hours.
- If you have not been cleared through the District fingerprinting process, you will require a certificated staff member to escort you on campus for the entire visit.
Our school site certificated staff are very busy during school hours providing instruction to students, so please be aware that there is no guarantee that your request will be accommodated during school hours. You may be asked to come back at another time (after school hours) or be denied entry during school hours. This is in alignment with the Education Code.
Visits to school campuses during school hours by Visitors and Volunteers should be limited to immediate care for students by a family member, or specific tasks on campus such as volunteering for classroom or field trip support.
Q: How secure is my data
A: Please review the vendor's published Blog Post on the importance of data security.
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